

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.



What is A2 Milk?

Cow’s milk is the honey of India. If you want your children to be sharp and be creative in each and every work then start providing them the Cow’s milk. It betters the immune system of the body and also fights against cholesterol. Cow’s milk is so powerful that it can keep a person looking young aged and also increase the life span. There are five main benefits of cow’s milk as follows:

  1. Complete Meal
  2. Strengthens bones and muscles
  3. Improves brain health
  4. Good for weight loss
  5. Keeps your heart healthy

Types of Milk

There are mainly two types of milk as follows:

  1. A1 Type of regular which consists of both A1 and A2 beta-casein. Commonly known as the regular milk and most of the typical Indian families utilize this milk.
  2. A2 Not regular milk, but a kind of milk that consists of only A2 beta-casein. Premium Executive segments are the main customers of this type.

 Terminologies used for milk

  1. A1 beta-casein – Milk from breeds of cows that originated in northern Europe is generally high in A1 beta-casein. These breeds include Holstein, Friesian, Ayrshire, and British Shorthorn.
  2. A2 beta-casein – milk that is high in A2 beta-casein is mainly found in breeds that originated in the Channel Islands and southern France. These include Guernsey, Jersey, Charolais, and Limousin cows.